Macco Law Group, LLP

Eliminate Your Debt - Free Consultation


Eliminate Your Debt - Free Consultation


Are debt collectors harassing you?

In the past, debt collectors have sometimes crossed the line when attempting to collect money. Because of this, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) came into creation. This act prevents debt collectors from using abusive, oppressive or harassing tactics....

Tips for paying down medical bills

Research published in 2019 found that 66.5% of personal bankruptcies filed in New York and elsewhere that year were related to medical debt. According to a TD Ameritrade report, paying off medical debt is the top reason why individuals want to withdraw money from...

Which debts should you pay first?

New York residents who fall into debt often have a long road ahead of them to get back out. Paying off debts sometimes feels like a monumental task. Today we will take a look at some of the strategies that may be useful in tackling debt. We will start with which debts...

Is this debt relief company a scam?

An unfortunate fact of living in a big city is higher crime rates. When you think of crime in New York, violence might most often come to mind. It is important to remember white-collar crime causes people grief too. One of the worst types of criminals is those who...

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