Macco Law Group, LLP

Eliminate Your Debt - Free Consultation


Eliminate Your Debt - Free Consultation


What are priority debts?

When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must create a repayment plan that lists all of your debts, but the court does not treat every debt the same. According to the United States Courts, debts you must repay in full become priority debts.  Your priority debts...

Will I lose my house in a bankruptcy?

Going through bankruptcy may end up being the best decision that you ever make for your financial and mental health. However, there are some concerns that come up during the process.  One of the more common concerns relates to the process of selling off property in...

What are the benefits of filing Chapter 13?

If you want to file for bankruptcy, you will have two options. You can file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy wipes out your debt. The court liquidates your non-exempt assets and uses those funds to repay your debts. The court then discharges any debts...

Am I eligible for Chapter 13?

If you want to file bankruptcy in New York, it is vital that you make sure you submit the right type of bankruptcy. For consumers, this generally means filing Chapter 7 or 13. Chapter 7 has income limits that you may not meet. In addition, if you have assets you want...

What is chapter 13?

When you realize you have more debt than you can handle, you may consider filing for bankruptcy in New York to find financial relief. There are many different kinds of bankruptcy and depending on your particular situation, chapter 13 may be a good option.  Filing...

Understanding Chapter 13

When you are considering filing for bankruptcy in New York, you usually need to decide what kind of bankruptcy will be best for your situation. At Macco and Stern, LLP, we know it is important for you to understand the fine details about Chapter 13 bankruptcy so you...

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